On Thu, 06 Dec 2012 14:37:33 +0100, Andreas Tille wrote:

> when debchecking out speech-dispatcher Vcs-Git I noticed there is some
> work going on done by people who are usually known to do a reasonable
> job.  Before I fiddle around with this package to apply the quite simple
> patch for the bug I would like to ping those people mentioned in the
> latest changelog entries about the status of the package.  

Sorry, I don't know anything about this package newer than my NMU
earlier this year :)

> I could do an
> NMU und I usually also try to commit my changes to Vcs but in this case
> I'm afraid that I as a Git beginner might mix up things (if ACL
> permissions are properly set at all to enable me commiting).
> Please let me know whether you consider it helpfull if I would do a NMU.

At a quick glance, Andreas' proposed patch looks sane; so IMO an NMU
to an appropriate DELAYED queue seems to be a good idea.

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