Hi David

On Mon, Jan 07, 2013 at 09:06:53AM +0000, David Weber wrote:
> > Attached is the debdiff contianing these three refreshed for the
> > version in unstable and testing. But I'm not yet ready to propose a
> > NMU. Testing of the resulting package is welcome!
> Thanks for the debdiff!
> It works as expected: It creates the files with the right 
> permissions without breaking functionality.
> A problem could be that the files aren't freshly created by a simple
> restart of the daemon. Should something be done about that?
> Some options could be:
> - Notify the user to stop libvirtd and sanlock and run 
> rm /var/run/sanlock/sanlock.sock; rm /var/log/sanlock.log
> - Change the file permissions through the package update
> - Do nothing because most likely nobody uses sanlock on Debain atm.

I have not a final answer here, but it might be easy to implement like
libvirt-bin does in postint, mabye only conditionally checking (so
doing it during package update from a 'broken' version):

if ! dpkg-statoverride --list "/var/log/sanlock.log" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
        # fix permissions

and the same for /var/run/sanlock/sanlock.sock.


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