On Tue, 2013-02-19 at 21:29 +0000, Mark Cunningham wrote:
> Originally:
> nslcd: 0.7.15+squeeze2
> file: nslcd.orig
> After installing
> nslcd: 0.7.15+squeeze3
> file nslcd.conf
> diff nslcd.*
> 16c16
> < base ou=groups,dc=example,dc=com
> ---
> > base ou=users,ou=users,dc=example,dc=com

Thanks, this provides some information to go on. Do you happen to have
information from debconf after and perhaps before the upgrade? The
configuration can be dumped with:
  debconf-show nslcd

If you don't have a backup of /var/cache/debconf/ it could be that an
config.dat-old file is present with different information. Do you
remember if there were any debconf prompts during the upgrade?


-- arthur - adej...@debian.org - http://people.debian.org/~adejong --

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