On Sat, 02 Mar 2013 19:12:32 -0500, Andres Mejia wrote:

> I just rebuilt bsaf on my machine that has the DISPLAY environment variable
> set and 

In a chroot or in the "normal" environment?

> on a sid and wheezy chroot via sbuild-shell (which in turn uses
> schroot) that does not have DISPLAY set. All builds succeeded and passed
> the test suite.

That's not surprising, since without DISPLAY the otherwise failing
tests are skipped :)
FWIW: The tests still fail for me in wheezy and sid cowbuilder amd64
chroots, with DISPLAY set, with or without my earlier patch (to use

As mentioned earlier in this bug log by Matteo, building with
openjdk-7-jdk works in the same setup.


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