On 2013-03-16, Steven Chamberlain wrote:
> Another difference is that upstream 2.6.9 used a replacement character
> of underscore rather than a dot.  Attached is my suggested revision of
> Salvatore's patch (also adds filtering of time specifiers).
> I've tested this on an existing wheezy/sid SmokePing installation;  it
> stops the injection of quotes into the <img> tag I demonstrated before.
>  It also prevents those characters from being used in graph filenames in
> the cache directory.  I've tried some valid time specifiers and they are
> still working.

Alright, I pushed this patch as 2.6.8-2, thanks!

I have also requested a freeze exception for that upload. Hopefully that
will be enough for now. :)

Premature optimization is the root of all evil
                        - Donald Knuth

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