Control: clone 712149 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 -10
Control: retitle -1 ibus-anthy: wrong libexecdir breaks setup dialog 
Control: retitle -2 ibus-hangul: wrong libexecdir breaks setup dialog 
Control: retitle -3 ibus-input-pad: wrong libexecdir breaks setup dialog 
Control: retitle -4 ibus-libpinyin: wrong libexecdir breaks setup dialog 
Control: retitle -5 ibus-m17n: wrong libexecdir breaks setup dialog 
Control: retitle -6 ibus-pinyin: wrong libexecdir breaks setup dialog 
Control: retitle -7 ibus-rime: wrong libexecdir breaks setup dialog 
Control: retitle -8 ibus-skk: wrong libexecdir breaks setup dialog 
Control: retitle -9 ibus-sunpinyin: wrong libexecdir breaks setup dialog 
Control: retitle -10 ibus-xkbc: wrong libexecdir breaks setup dialog 
Control: found 712149 1.4.1-9
Control: found 712149
Control: found -1 1.2.6-2
Control: found -2 1.4.1-1
Control: found -2 1.4.2-1
Control: found -3 1.4.0-2
Control: found -4 1.4.93-1
Control: found -5 1.3.4-1
Control: found -6 1.4.0-1
Control: found -7 0.9.4-1
Control: found -8 1.4.1-1
Control: found -8 1.4.2-1
Control: found -9 2.0.3-4
Control: found -10
Control: severity -1 serious
Control: severity -2 serious
Control: severity -3 serious
Control: severity -4 serious
Control: severity -5 serious
Control: severity -6 serious
Control: severity -7 serious
Control: severity -8 serious
Control: severity -9 serious
Control: severity -10 serious

Now that we fixed this bug for ibus in sid, we need to fix related
packages as indicated in the above maintained by with git rep at alioth.
(I have them checked out here with "mr")

If master and upstream branch is used, I put fix in the following
   For wheezy fix: master-wheezy upstream-wheezy
   For sid fix:    master-sid upstream-sid

Let me summarize bug situation over this bug.

This bug is a victim of multiarch and --libexec default handling by the
debhelper (compat 7->8->9).

For Jessie in long run, compat level needs to be updated to be 9 but
since stable wheezy fix is needed, we start fixing this with minimal
changes to make sure what we do is right for wheezy.

Basic fix idea: ./configure --libexecdir=/usr/lib/ibus

=== ibus-setup component containing ===
As I glanced, before this bug fix, affected package versions are:
                   wheezy              sid                 experimental
ibus               1.4.1-9   
ibus-anthy         1.2.6-2             1.2.7-2
ibus-hangul        1.4.1-1             1.4.2-1
ibus-input-pad     1.4.0-2             1.4.0-2
ibus-libpinyin                                             1.4.93-1
ibus-m17n          1.3.4-1             1.3.4-1
ibus-pinyin        1.4.0-1             1.4.0-1
ibus-rime                              0.9.4-1
ibus-skk           1.4.1-1             1.4.2-1
ibus-sunpinyin     2.0.3-4             2.0.3-4

=== no ibus-setup component ===
No change for now for the below packages:

ibus-mozc     (not ours but in mozc)


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