Hi Goswin,

I had reported the bug #712984 which has been merged with this bug #678696.

I am using Debian/Testing and have initramfs-tools-0.113 and lvm2_2.02.95-7 installed. I have my root and swap on logical volumes of the lvm. This configuration didn't work for the new 3.9 kernel.

Now, I have used your patch initramfs-tools-0.106.events.patch and created a NMU package for initramfs-tools. I also added your lmv2 script as lvm2-2.02.95/debian/tree/lvm2/usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/local-block/lvm2 and created there a NMU package too. Using those updated packages, I could boot my system using the new kernel.

So as a test report: Your changes do work.

Vincent Smeets

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