Hi Jean-Michel,
Hi Boris,

On Tue, 2013-08-20 at 14:32 +0300, Boris Pek wrote:
> Hi,
> > jwchat doesn't work anymore on testing: It fails to install. (#710688)
> >
> > I published a fix for that some weeks ago. I had no feedback.
> > 
> > I published a patch for the unknown files bug (#656455) in October 2012, 
> > but I
> > got no answer! That was 10 monthes ago.
> > I had no feedback for the patch I proposed about debug mode either 
> > (#644097).
> > That was in October too... but that was 2011!
> PTS shows [1] two uploaders of this package. Lincoln de Sousa looks MIA [2],
> and Marcelo Jorge Vieira now looks quite busy with a number of other packages.
> [1] http://packages.qa.debian.org/jwchat
> [2] http://search.gmane.org/?query=&author=Lincoln+de+Sousa&group=&sort=date
> > I plan to publish an NMU on mentors for that one.
> How about a team upload [3]? In this case you will be able to do more
> improvements in the package.
> [3] 
> http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/pkgs.html#nmu-team-upload
> > Would you like some help on the package, globally?
> If you are willing to maintain this package in future, you may join Debian
> XMPP Maintainers Team [4] and add yourself to uploaders.
> [4] https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/pkg-xmpp
> Marcelo, have you any comments on this?

I know, jwchat needs more love =/

Jean-Michel you are welcome to join us on the XMPP team, but if you
think it's better to do an NMU, I can sponsoring you...


Marcelo Jorge Vieira

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