block 729289 by 720816
block 729289 by 725383


[TL;DR:  please refer to question in last paragraph :)]

I hoped the "transition" bug #729289 could be a more relevant place to
discuss this and gather details (such as blocking bugs) on what needs to
be done to help move this forward.  I'm adding it into Cc...

On 11/11/13 23:44, Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo wrote:
> [...] in principle I don't agree that this
> needs a official transition and

I can't say whether this needed to be co-ordinated or not.  For some
reason I still don't see a warning in the PTS that openscenegraph would
have been involved in the libav9 transition, so I understand if this was

This is already underway and I don't mean to argue over this now.  But
the tangle with libav9 and possibly boost1.54 does add more pressure to
resolve this quickly.

> I am not happy that you went ahead in
> a matter of hours asking the release team for it before having a reply
> from us, for the following reasons:

This was brought up some 5-6 weeks ago in #706798, to debian-release@
and some mails went to Loic as maintainer, but I guess you were not
notified yourself, sorry.

> I already warned to rdepends months ago (before the package being even
> approved) by email (BTS) to please make modifications to accomodate to
> the new package, as that page suggests, and offered help to the
> respective maintainers, [...]

Yes you've done well to prepare for this;  every issue seems to have a
bug already filed and most have patches now.

> See #718381 for an example to
> help maintainers of openwalnut.  [...]
> If it was a matter of binNMUs and simple fixes that I
> could upload, as I expected, this would have been fixed long ago.

Yes, unforeseeably that issue turned out to be more complex.

> (whereas libcitygml and openwalnut have
> a whopping ~10 of popcon, chorenoid 3).  It's not a good solution that
> these packages block OSG from being updated for long periods.

I'm not sure these are really blocking anything.  I now see that these
packages are 'sid only', so if libopenscenegraph80 were removed, those
packages would be uninstallable but everything else could migrate?

> The current cause of this blockage is actually
> problems/delays in MIPS toolchain and bad timing.

If you mean the delayed build of openscenegraph on mips, happening after
libav9 transition started, I'm not sure that makes a difference because
it would be stuck until rdepends are ready (and they're still not).
libav9 transition started only a few days later so openscenegraph would
have failed on *all* arches when binNMUd?

> 5) So as a summary and in short, having an open transition process is
> not going to speed-up the transition [...]
> (libcitygml didn't respond or upload for more than 3 months, for
> example).

Conversely, that's why I suggested having a tracker;  having more eyes
on the problem and making it easier to see what needs to happen.

This may need adjustment but it is a start:

[openthreads and fgrun currently missing from there]

> I am a bit lost with the changes happened lately, but looking at the
> rdepends on libopenscenegraph80 in my system, I think that things have
> been updated and are supposed to work except for:

> - fgrun [...] already been removed from testing
> - openwalnut and libcitygml are removed from testing, they will allow
> migration to testing with libopenscenegraph99


> OSG, with the patch for url_eof it should compile and allow libav9 to
> migrate -- unless some further problems appear when going again
> through buildds in all arches, which is can easily happen.

The tracker can help illustrate this, but ...

> Since the transition requested already mentions libopenscenegraph100,
> but 3.2.1 is not released, I think that it's actually more risky (or
> prone to more delays) if to tie the current transition to these future
> ones of OSG.

... the tracker will need updating with whatever you decide to aim for
(99 or 100).  I would think 99 is the quickest and safest resolution to
the libav9 tangle.  As Rebecca said, it implies another round of binNMUs
as soon as 3.2.1 is uploaded.  But IMHO that will be much easier and
less urgent if nothing else is waiting on it by then.

Are you decided that you are aiming for libopenscenegraph99 to migrate

Steven Chamberlain

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