On Wed, 15 Jan 2014 16:38:17 +0100 Antonio Terceiro wrote:

> On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 12:20:36AM +0100, Francesco Poli wrote:
> > As I have already said, I think there's one last aspect to fix: ruby1.8
> > should remove itself from the list of possible alternatives
> > for /usr/bin/ruby.
> > Dear ruby1.8 maintainers, do you agree?

Hello Antonio, thanks for your reply.

> The only case I can think of where ruby1.8 stays as /usr/bin/ruby
> after ruby1.9.1 is installed is the case where the user explicitly
> requested ruby1.8 to be the default alternative.

That is exactly the situation I was thinking about.
As long as ruby1.8 stays installed and is manually configured as the
system-wide alternative for /usr/bin/ruby, many programs requiring
architecture-dependent Ruby libraries will fail to work.

This is why I was suggesting that ruby1.8 should remove itself from the
list of available alternatives for /usr/bin/ruby ...

> Also, doing this will not fix upgrades from wheezy sinde there will be
> no new ruby1.8 that does not provides the alternatives entry to upgrade
> to.

This is true, but I was thinking about continuously upgraded
unstable/testing systems...

> I indent to fix this situation by making `ruby` conflict with `ruby1.8`.

What if both ruby1.8 and ruby1.9.1 are already installed and ruby1.8
was previously (manually) configured as the system-wide alternative
for /usr/bin/ruby?

Which package will pull in ruby, thus forcing the removal of ruby1.8?
All packages depending on "ruby | ruby-interpreter" will be satisfied
by ruby1.9.1, if I understand correctly...

Is there a way to fix this scenario too?

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