Source: libmoosex-getopt-perl
Version: 0.59-1
Severity: serious
Tags: jessie sid
Usertags: qa-ftbfs-20140315 qa-ftbfs
Justification: FTBFS on amd64


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build on

Relevant part (hopefully):
>  debian/rules build
> dh build
>    dh_testdir
>    dh_auto_configure
> Creating new 'Build' script for 'MooseX-Getopt' version '0.59'
>    dh_auto_build
> cp lib/MooseX/Getopt/ blib/lib/MooseX/Getopt/
> cp lib/MooseX/Getopt/ blib/lib/MooseX/Getopt/
> cp lib/MooseX/Getopt/Meta/ 
> blib/lib/MooseX/Getopt/Meta/
> cp lib/MooseX/ blib/lib/MooseX/
> cp lib/MooseX/Getopt/ blib/lib/MooseX/Getopt/
> cp lib/MooseX/Getopt/ blib/lib/MooseX/Getopt/
> cp lib/MooseX/Getopt/Meta/Attribute/ 
> blib/lib/MooseX/Getopt/Meta/Attribute/
> cp lib/MooseX/Getopt/ blib/lib/MooseX/Getopt/
> cp lib/MooseX/Getopt/ blib/lib/MooseX/Getopt/
> cp lib/MooseX/Getopt/Meta/Attribute/Trait/ 
> blib/lib/MooseX/Getopt/Meta/Attribute/Trait/
> cp lib/MooseX/Getopt/Meta/Attribute/ 
> blib/lib/MooseX/Getopt/Meta/Attribute/
>    dh_auto_test
> # 
> # Versions for all modules listed in MYMETA.json (including optional ones):
> #    Version Module                      
> #   -------- ----------------------------
> #   2.133380 CPAN::Meta                  
> #      2.122 CPAN::Meta::Requirements    
> #       1.29 Carp                        
> #       6.66 ExtUtils::MakeMaker         
> #       3.40 File::Spec::Functions       
> #       2.39 Getopt::Long                
> #      0.097 Getopt::Long::Descriptive   
> #       1.27 List::Util                  
> #      0.035 Module::Build::Tiny         
> #      0.014 Module::Runtime             
> #     2.1204 Moose                       
> #     2.1204 Moose::Meta::Attribute      
> #     2.1204 Moose::Meta::Class          
> #     2.1204 Moose::Role                 
> #     2.1204 Moose::Util                 
> #     2.1204 Moose::Util::TypeConstraints
> #       0.13 MooseX::ConfigFromFile      
> #       1.02 MooseX::Role::Parameterized 
> #       0.10 MooseX::SimpleConfig        
> #      0.052 Path::Tiny                  
> #       1.27 Scalar::Util                
> #      0.112 Test::Deep                  
> #      0.012 Test::Fatal                 
> #     2.1204 Test::Moose                 
> #       0.98 Test::More                  
> #       0.07 Test::Requires              
> #      0.2.3 Test::Trap                  
> #      0.013 Test::Warnings              
> #       0.19 Try::Tiny                   
> #     0.0602 if                          
> #       1.07 strict                      
> #       1.18 warnings                    
> t/00-report-prereqs.t ............... ok
> t/001_basic.t ....................... ok
> t/002_custom_option_type.t .......... ok
> t/003_inferred_option_type.t ........ ok
> t/004_nogetop.t ..................... ok
> t/005_strict.t ...................... ok
> t/006_metaclass_traits.t ............ ok
> t/007_nogetopt_trait.t .............. ok
> t/008_configfromfile.t .............. ok
> t/009_gld_and_explicit_options.t .... ok
> t/010_dashes.t ...................... ok
> t/011_process_argv.t ................ ok
> t/100_gld_default_bug.t ............. ok
> t/101_argv_bug.t .................... ok
> t/102_basic_basic.t ................. ok
> t/103_uc_bug.t ...................... ok
> t/104_override_usage.t .............. ok
> Unknown option: debug
> usage: 105_uc_bug_more.t [-?dh] [long options...]
>       -d --Debug            
>       -h -? --usage --help  Prints this usage information.
> # Tests were run but no plan was declared and done_testing() was not seen.
> t/105_uc_bug_more.t ................. 
> Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
> All 3 subtests passed 
> t/106_no_ignore_case.t .............. ok
> t/107_no_auto_help.t ................ ok
> t/107_union_bug.t ................... ok
> t/108_usage_attr.t .................. ok
> t/109_help_flag.t ................... ok
> t/110_sort_usage_by_attr_order.t .... ok
> t/111_gld_pass_through.t ............ ok
> t/112_configfile_constructor_arg.t .. ok
> Test Summary Report
> -------------------
> t/105_uc_bug_more.t               (Wstat: 512 Tests: 3 Failed: 0)
>   Non-zero exit status: 2
>   Parse errors: No plan found in TAP output
> Files=26, Tests=402, 14 wallclock secs ( 0.18 usr  0.21 sys + 12.11 cusr  
> 1.38 csys = 13.88 CPU)
> Result: FAIL
> dh_auto_test: perl Build test returned exit code 1

The full build log is available from:

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at . You're welcome to contribute!

About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on EC2 VM instances from
Amazon Web Services, using a clean, minimal and up-to-date chroot. Every
failed build was retried once to eliminate random failures.

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