Source: germinate
Version: 2.15
Severity: serious
Tags: jessie sid
Usertags: qa-ftbfs-20140315 qa-ftbfs
Justification: FTBFS on amd64


During a rebuild of all packages in sid, your package failed to build on

Relevant part (hopefully):
> make[1]: Entering directory `/«PKGBUILDDIR»'
> set -e; for python in  python python3.4 python3; do \
>               $python test; \
>       done
> running test
> ./run-pychecker
> pychecker not installed, so not running it
> running egg_info
> creating germinate.egg-info
> writing germinate.egg-info/PKG-INFO
> writing top-level names to germinate.egg-info/top_level.txt
> writing dependency_links to germinate.egg-info/dependency_links.txt
> writing manifest file 'germinate.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
> reading manifest file 'germinate.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
> writing manifest file 'germinate.egg-info/SOURCES.txt'
> running build_ext
> test_creates_file (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestAtomicFile)
> AtomicFile creates the named file with the requested contents. ... ok
> test_removes_dot_new (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestAtomicFile)
> AtomicFile does not leave .new files lying around. ... ok
> test_behaves_as_file (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestSeed)
> A Seed context can be read from as a file object. ... ok
> test_equal_if_same_contents (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestSeed)
> Two Seed objects with the same text contents are equal. ... ok
> test_init_no_bzr (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestSeed)
> __init__ can open a seed from a collection without bzr. ... ok
> test_not_equal_if_different_contents (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestSeed)
> Two Seed objects with different text contents are not equal. ... ok
> test_open_without_scheme (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestSeed)
> A Seed can be opened from a relative path on the filesystem. ... ok
> test_add (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestSeedStructure)
> SeedStructure.add adds a custom seed. ... ok
> test_basic (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestSeedStructure)
> A SeedStructure object has the correct basic properties. ... ok
> test_dict (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestSeedStructure)
> A SeedStructure can be treated as a dictionary of seeds. ... ok
> test_later_branches_override_earlier_branches 
> (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestSeedStructure)
> Seeds from later branches override seeds from earlier branches. ... ok
> test_limit (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestSeedStructure)
> SeedStructure.limit restricts the set of seed names. ... ok
> test_multiple (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestSeedStructure)
> SeedStructure follows "include" links to other seed collections. ... ok
> test_write (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestSeedStructure)
> SeedStructure.write writes the text of STRUCTURE. ... ok
> test_write_dot (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestSeedStructure)
> SeedStructure.write_dot writes an appropriate dot file. ... ok
> test_write_seed_text (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestSeedStructure)
> SeedStructure.write_seed_text writes the text of a seed. ... ok
> test_write_seed_text_utf8 (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestSeedStructure)
> SeedStructure.write_seed_text handles UTF-8 text in seeds. ... ok
> test_basic (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestSingleSeedStructure)
> A SingleSeedStructure object has the correct basic properties. ... ok
> test_feature (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestSingleSeedStructure)
> SingleSeedStructure parses the "feature" directive correctly. ... ok
> test_include (germinate.tests.test_seeds.TestSingleSeedStructure)
> SingleSeedStructure parses the "include" directive correctly. ... ok
> test_init_lists (germinate.tests.test_archive.TestTagFile)
> TagFile may be constructed with list parameters. ... ok
> test_init_strings (germinate.tests.test_archive.TestTagFile)
> TagFile may be constructed with string parameters. ... ok
> test_sections (germinate.tests.test_archive.TestTagFile)
> Test fetching sections from a basic TagFile archive. ... ok
> test_trivial (germinate.tests.test_integration.TestGerminate) ... ERROR
> test_str (germinate.tests.test_germinator.TestBuildDependsReason)
> BuildDependsReason stringifies to a description of the reason. ... ok
> test_str (germinate.tests.test_germinator.TestDependsReason)
> DependsReason stringifies to the package name. ... ok
> test_str (germinate.tests.test_germinator.TestExtraReason)
> ExtraReason stringifies to a description of the reason. ... ok
> test_basic (germinate.tests.test_germinator.TestGerminatedSeed)
> GerminatedSeed has reasonable basic properties. ... ok
> test_equal_if_same_contents 
> (germinate.tests.test_germinator.TestGerminatedSeed)
> GerminatedSeeds with the same seeds and inheritance are equal. ... ok
> test_not_equal_if_different_contents 
> (germinate.tests.test_germinator.TestGerminatedSeed)
> GerminatedSeeds with different seeds/inheritance are not equal. ... ok
> test_build_depends_multiarch (germinate.tests.test_germinator.TestGerminator)
> Compare Build-Depends behaviour against the multiarch specification. ... ERROR
> test_depends_multiarch (germinate.tests.test_germinator.TestGerminator)
> Compare Depends behaviour against the multiarch specification. ... ERROR
> test_different_providers_between_suites 
> (germinate.tests.test_germinator.TestGerminator)
> Provides from later versions override those from earlier ones. ... ok
> test_parse_archive (germinate.tests.test_germinator.TestGerminator)
> Germinator.parse_archive successfully parses a simple archive. ... ok
> test_str (germinate.tests.test_germinator.TestRecommendsReason)
> RecommendsReason stringifies to a description of the reason. ... ok
> test_str (germinate.tests.test_germinator.TestRescueReason)
> RescueReason stringifies to a description of the reason. ... ok
> test_str (germinate.tests.test_germinator.TestSeedReason)
> SeedReason stringifies to a description of the seed. ... ok
> ======================================================================
> ERROR: test_trivial (germinate.tests.test_integration.TestGerminate)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/«PKGBUILDDIR»/germinate/tests/", line 79, in 
> test_trivial
>     self.runGerminate("-s", "ubuntu.warty", "-d", "warty", "-c", "main")
>   File "/«PKGBUILDDIR»/germinate/tests/", line 56, in 
> runGerminate
>     self.assertEqual(0, germinate_main.main(argv))
>   File "/«PKGBUILDDIR»/germinate/scripts/", line 119, in main
>     g.parse_archive(archive)
>   File "/«PKGBUILDDIR»/germinate/", line 508, in parse_archive
>     for indextype, section in archive.sections():
>   File "/«PKGBUILDDIR»/germinate/", line 228, in sections
>     for section in apt_pkg.TagFile(tag_file):
> SystemError: E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file descriptor)
> ======================================================================
> ERROR: test_build_depends_multiarch 
> (germinate.tests.test_germinator.TestGerminator)
> Compare Build-Depends behaviour against the multiarch specification.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/«PKGBUILDDIR»/germinate/tests/", line 305, in 
> test_build_depends_multiarch
>     germinator.parse_archive(archive)
>   File "/«PKGBUILDDIR»/germinate/", line 508, in parse_archive
>     for indextype, section in archive.sections():
>   File "/«PKGBUILDDIR»/germinate/", line 238, in sections
>     for section in apt_pkg.TagFile(tag_file):
> SystemError: E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file descriptor)
> ======================================================================
> ERROR: test_depends_multiarch (germinate.tests.test_germinator.TestGerminator)
> Compare Depends behaviour against the multiarch specification.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "/«PKGBUILDDIR»/germinate/tests/", line 253, in 
> test_depends_multiarch
>     germinator.parse_archive(archive)
>   File "/«PKGBUILDDIR»/germinate/", line 508, in parse_archive
>     for indextype, section in archive.sections():
>   File "/«PKGBUILDDIR»/germinate/", line 238, in sections
>     for section in apt_pkg.TagFile(tag_file):
> SystemError: E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file 
> descriptor), E:Problem closing the gzip file  - close (9: Bad file descriptor)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ran 37 tests in 0.145s
> FAILED (errors=3)
> make[1]: *** [override_dh_auto_test] Error 1

The full build log is available from:

A list of current common problems and possible solutions is available at . You're welcome to contribute!

About the archive rebuild: The rebuild was done on EC2 VM instances from
Amazon Web Services, using a clean, minimal and up-to-date chroot. Every
failed build was retried once to eliminate random failures.

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