On 16-Mar-2014, Jamie Nguyen wrote:

> ledger bundles an SHA-1 C++ implementation by Paul E. Jones which is
> licensed under a "Freeware Public License". This license does not allow
> modification and therefore does not adhere to the DFSG.

The upstream source for ‘ledger’ contains separate files for each license:

* doc/LICENSE.rtf
* doc/LICENSE-utfcpp
* doc/LICENSE-sha1

Each of these need to be described in ‘debian/copyright’.

As Jamie says, the ‘doc/LICENSE-sha1’ contains a copyright notice and
license text; the license terms are non-free (permission is not granted to
redistribute modified versions, failing DFSG §3).

> There was a similar issue with the "orthanc" package. This was resolved
> when the upstream author switched to a different library with a license
> compatible with the DFSG:

In the case of SHA-1, there are numerous implementations; some of them
(e.g. <URL:http://www.tamale.net/sha1/>) are licensed under free software

The package maintainer could replace the non-free files with a free
equivalent, and changing any relevant function calls to match, thereby
resolving this bug. Then, provide the patch to the ‘ledger’ upstream
maintainer, helping them to resolve the issue in a future version.

 \        “Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code |
  `\     will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live.” —John |
_o__)                                                         F. Woods |
Ben Finney <b...@benfinney.id.au>

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