On 08.12.05 Frank Küster ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> Hilmar Preusse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On 07.12.05 Debian Bug Tracking System ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:


> >> According to our analysis, the bug occurred because you kept
> >> woody's configuration files and refused the update to the sarge
> >> versions - in other words it is not a bug, and I'm closing it.
> >> 
> > Correct me, if I'm wrong: IIRC the default answer for "Your
> > config file was changed by you or by a script: what do you want
> > to do?" Is: "keep the manually crafted config file" So this is
> > not really a user error, IMHO. That was one reason, why I had
> > trouble during woody -> sarge upgrade.
> It's still the user's responsibility to check for problems with
> changed conffiles before reporting a bug.
Correct. Nevertheless it can be annoying that an upgrade of a package
fails, because the user refused to replace his hand crafted config.
So he reports a grave bug, which should rather have severity wishlist
and should read: "Please care about that!"

> But you are right, Hilmar, a package should care for this, and tetex
> *does*.  We have extra code in the postinst to force /var/lib/texmf
> into TEXMF.  Strange that it didn't work for Robert.
I know we do. IIRC deeply down in the scripts of teTeX there is code
hidden to do that. I wouldn't be annoyed if I hadn't seen that during
my woody->sarge transition.

I had two points of failure:

1. I refused to replace the changed language.dat by that one from the
maintainers. The old one referenced the hyph. patterns czhyph2e.tex,
which does not exist any more in teTeX 2.0. Hence the build of all
formats having hyph. patterns failed.

2. I refused to replace the changed 05TeXMF. The code, which should
have introduced VARTEXMF seemed to fail. Hence updmap.cfg was not

> Robert, can you send us your /etc/texmf/texmf.cnf and
> /etc/texmf/texmf.d/05TeXMF.cnf, ideally the versions before you fixed
> it? 
Attached is texmf.d.tar.bz2. It is taken from the backup I made
before I upgraded to sarge. Hope it is helpful.
And yes, after I fixed my system and got it running. As I'm a tetex
maintainer myself I didn't bother to report a bug about my failures.

Should I open another bug instead of continue discussing in a closed

sigmentation fault

Attachment: texmf.d.tar.bz2
Description: Binary data

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