Dear maintainer and dear Olly,

I've tried my best to contribue my two cents in migrating to wxwidgets3.0. The 
project just seemed at my hand reach.


diff -Nru --from-file orig/chipw-2.0.6/ orig/chipw-2.0.6/debian/changelog chipw-2.0.6/debian/changelog
--- orig/chipw-2.0.6/debian/changelog	2011-12-16 14:50:53.000000000 +0100
+++ chipw-2.0.6/debian/changelog	2014-06-03 01:27:10.890468373 +0200
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+chipw (2.0.6-1.2) unstable; urgency=low
+  * Non-maintainer upload
+  * Update to use wxWidgets3.0
+ -- David <> Tue, 3 Jun 2014 01:27:10 +0200
 chipw (2.0.6-1.1) unstable; urgency=low
   * Non-maintainer upload at maintainer's request.
diff -Nru --from-file orig/chipw-2.0.6/ orig/chipw-2.0.6/debian/control chipw-2.0.6/debian/control
--- orig/chipw-2.0.6/debian/control	2011-12-16 14:47:25.000000000 +0100
+++ chipw-2.0.6/debian/control	2014-06-03 01:28:04.853789962 +0200
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Section: games
 Priority: optional
 Maintainer: Luke Faraone <>
-Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 7), libwxgtk2.8-dev
+Build-Depends: cdbs, debhelper (>= 7), libwxgtk3.0-dev
 DM-Upload-Allowed: yes
 Standards-Version: 3.9.0
diff -Nru --from-file orig/chipw-2.0.6/ orig/chipw-2.0.6/src/leveleditview.cpp chipw-2.0.6/src/leveleditview.cpp
--- orig/chipw-2.0.6/src/leveleditview.cpp	2011-12-15 16:40:24.000000000 +0100
+++ chipw-2.0.6/src/leveleditview.cpp	2014-06-03 01:03:59.311962884 +0200
@@ -210,10 +210,13 @@
 void LevelEditView::OnChangeFilename() {
     if(GetDocument() != NULL && GetFrame() != NULL) {
         wxString name;
-        GetDocument()->GetPrintableName(name);
+        /*DVD GetDocument()->GetPrintableName(name);*/
+	name=GetDocument()->GetUserReadableName();
         wxString title = wxT("Chip's Workshop");
-        if(name)
-            title += wxT(" - ") + name;
+        /* Not needed any more GURN returns default wxString unnamed
+	if(name)
+	*/
+        title += wxT(" - ") + name;
         if(level != NULL && !level->title.empty())
             title += wxT(" (") + wxString(level->title.c_str(), wxConvISO8859_1) + wxT(")");
@@ -343,18 +346,18 @@
                 std::string title = level->title;
                     const wxWX2MBbuf str = dlg.title.mb_str(wxConvISO8859_1);
-                    if(str != NULL)
+/*DVD mb_str never returns NULL as of wx/string.h:AsChar                   if(str != NULL)*/
                         title = str;
-                    else
-                        wxLogError(wxT("Failed to set level title."));
+/*DVD  mb_str never returns NULL as of wx/string.h:AsChar                  else
+                        wxLogError(wxT("Failed to set level title."));*/
                 std::string psw = level->psw;
                     const wxWX2MBbuf str = dlg.psw.mb_str(wxConvISO8859_1);
-                    if(str != NULL)
+/*DVD  mb_str never returns NULL as of wx/string.h:AsChar                  if(str != NULL)*/
                         psw = str;
-                    else
-                        wxLogError(wxT("Failed to set level password."));
+/*DVD  mb_str never returns NULL as of wx/string.h:AsChar                  else
+                        wxLogError(wxT("Failed to set level password."));*/
                 wxUint16 chips = level->chips;
                 if(dlg.chips.ToULong(&ul) && ul < 65536)
@@ -369,10 +372,10 @@
                 std::string hint = level->hint;
                     const wxWX2MBbuf str = dlg.hint.mb_str(wxConvISO8859_1);
-                    if(str != NULL)
+/*DVD  mb_str never returns NULL as of wx/string.h:AsChar                  if(str != NULL)*/
                         hint = str;
-                    else
-                        wxLogError(wxT("Failed to set level hint."));
+/*DVD  mb_str never returns NULL as of wx/string.h:AsChar                  else
+                        wxLogError(wxT("Failed to set level hint."));*/
                 wxUint16 levelnumber = level->levelnumber;
                 if(dlg.levnum.ToULong(&ul) && ul < 65536)
@@ -827,7 +830,7 @@
         wxRegion region(x1, y1, selw * GetTileW(), selh * GetTileH());
         region.Xor(x2, y2, w * GetTileW(), h * GetTileH());
         wxDC* dc = NewClientDC();
-        dc->SetClippingRegion(region);
+        dc->SetDeviceClippingRegion(region);
         DrawSelection(dc, 0, 0, 32, 32);
         delete dc;
@@ -896,7 +899,12 @@
 void LevelEditView::DrawSelection(wxDC* dc, wxUint32 x, wxUint32 y, wxUint32 w, wxUint32 h) {
     if(x < 32 && y < 32 && w > 0 && h > 0) {
-        int origfunc = dc->GetLogicalFunction();
+        /*DVDint origfunc = dc->GetLogicalFunction();*/
+#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2,9,0)
+	wxRasterOperationMode origfunc = dc->GetLogicalFunction();
+	int origfunc = dc->GetLogicalFunction();
@@ -963,7 +971,12 @@
             if(tilelist != NULL && tilelist->IsSelected(tileselgrid[x + TILESEL_WIDTH * y])) {
-                int origfunc = dc->GetLogicalFunction();
+                /*DVDint origfunc = dc->GetLogicalFunction();*/
+#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2,9,0)
+		wxRasterOperationMode origfunc = dc->GetLogicalFunction();
+		int origfunc = dc->GetLogicalFunction();
diff -Nru --from-file orig/chipw-2.0.6/ orig/chipw-2.0.6/src/listmenumgr.cpp chipw-2.0.6/src/listmenumgr.cpp
--- orig/chipw-2.0.6/src/listmenumgr.cpp	2011-12-15 16:40:24.000000000 +0100
+++ chipw-2.0.6/src/listmenumgr.cpp	2014-06-03 01:12:11.109780148 +0200
@@ -81,7 +81,13 @@
             wxMenuItem* item = *itemit;
             if(item == NULL)
-            item->SetText(GetItemLabel(i, newitems, emptytext));
+/*DVD            item->SetText(GetItemLabel(i, newitems, emptytext));*/
+#if wxCHECK_VERSION(2,8,0)
+            item->SetItemLabel(GetItemLabel(i, newitems, emptytext));
+            item->SetText(GetItemLabel(i,newitems,emptytext));
             item->Enable((unsigned int) i < newitems.size());
         // Add items if the length has increased.
diff -Nru --from-file orig/chipw-2.0.6/ orig/chipw-2.0.6/src/tileset.cpp chipw-2.0.6/src/tileset.cpp
--- orig/chipw-2.0.6/src/tileset.cpp	2011-12-15 16:40:24.000000000 +0100
+++ chipw-2.0.6/src/tileset.cpp	2014-06-03 00:46:18.469299483 +0200
@@ -210,11 +210,11 @@
     if(!CheckMaxSize(size, size))
         return false;
     // Avoiding alpha simplifies the code, and it doesn't seem to work well in wxWidgets anyway.
-    if(!img.ConvertAlphaToMask()) {
+    if(img.HasAlpha() && !img.ConvertAlphaToMask()) {
         wxLogError(wxT("Failed to generate image mask."));
         return false;
-    if(CheckOk(img2) && !img2.ConvertAlphaToMask()) {
+    if(CheckOk(img2) && img2.HasAlpha() && !img2.ConvertAlphaToMask()) {
         wxLogError(wxT("Failed to generate secondary image mask."));
         return false;

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