On 06/15/2014 07:36 AM, gregor herrmann wrote:
> On Sat, 14 Jun 2014 09:13:58 -0700, tony mancill wrote:
>>> My tentative conclusion is that MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME was needed at some
>>> time in the past, doesn't get set since ages, which doesn't cause any
>>> visible problems.
>>> So it seems like we can just drop this whole xulrunner/iceweasel
>>> machinery from debian/{rules,control} and patch misc/tuxguitar.sh
>>> again to drop it. (And all efforts to update the xulrunner list in
>>> unstable and also stable was probably in vain.)
>>> If for some reason having MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME would be good, we need a
>>> different way to set it. - The web is still full of errors about it,
>>> and the solution seems to be to set it to /usr/lib/iceweasel or
>>> /usr/lib/firefox or /usr/lib/mozilla/.
>> Thanks for digging into this.  I suggest we move forward with pulling
>> out the MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME mechanism and do some testing.  I can work on
>> that.
> Sounds good, thank you!

Okay, so it's no worse with all of the xulrunner stuff pulled out, so
there's no problem with going ahead with a simplified wrapper script and
removing that dependency.

I guess I can go ahead with another upload.  I spent some time looking
at #745127, but wasn't able to make any real progress.  It's a shame,
because it's quite annoying.  (But I guess that's a different bug.)

I'll upload this week.

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