On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 12:11 PM, Osamu Aoki <osamu_aoki_h...@nifty.com>

> On Sun, Jun 29, 2014 at 11:30:52AM -0400, Guo Yixuan wrote:
> > For this, I think it's easier to add a Files-Excluded line to
> > debian/copyright
> > header, and let uscan do the repacking: [1]
> >
> > Files-Excluded: thirdparty/bin/curl.exe
> > thirdparty/src/opencc-windows/opencc.dll
> > thirdparty/src/opencc-windows/opencc.exe
> > thirdparty/src/opencc-windows/opencc_dict.exe
> Great!  Please update GIT.

Just pushed several commits to GIT. (So uscan + git-import-orig
should work now.)

>  > In addition, we should add "+dfsg" to the package version, so it should
> > be "1.1+dfsg-1", and we need to add some mangle rules to debian/watch.
> Yep.  This is what I did before uploading.  It is in NEW.

Thank you, I just noticed it in the new queue.

If you find issues, please tell me to reupload another version.
> > I think these two packages are already updated to the new API.
> > I'll double check it soon, and update fcitx-rime to 0.3.1.
> Please.

I just updated fcitx-rime to 0.3.1 and it works without any obvious
problems or regressions. For ibus-rime, Qijiang did the update, which
I also tried. The only problem is that the icons in the status panel/bar
show up incorrectly, perhaps caused by some missing icon files.

By the way, can I added myself to the uploaders in librime and fcitx-rime?



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