severity 741303 important

Feel++ links with petsc which has the same bug  [1]  and I feel quite the
same as Anton about the situation

Waiting for ftpmaster to take a decision.

Best regards

On Wed, Mar 26, 2014 at 10:19 PM, Francesco Poli <>

> On Wed, 26 Mar 2014 15:52:34 +0100 Christophe Prud'homme wrote:
> > Dear Francesco Poli
> Hello Christophe,
> thanks for commenting my bug report.
> >
> > What is the state of this bug ? any progress with respect to scotch
> > licensing ?
> I am not aware of any progress: I am the bug report submitter and, as I
> said in the original bug report, I need help from other people who
> volunteer to get in touch with the upstream developer of SCOTCH and
> persuade him to re-license SCOTCH under the LGPL.
> I have already tried to do so in the past, but I failed to convince him
> that there is an issue.
> Please (re-)read for the full story.
> Are you willing to help?
> If so, please contact the main author of SCOTCH and explain the
> licensing headaches he is causing to several other projects.
> If you manage to persuade him (to get the necessary paperwork) to
> re-license SCOTCH under the LGPL v2.1 or, at least, to dual-license it
> under the GNU LGPL v2.1 or the CeCILL-C v1.0 (at the recipient's
> choice), all the GPL-incompatibility issues will instantly vanish!
> >
> > this is a really painful situation !
> Indeed.
> >
> > are petsc and all libraries (based on umfpack) related to this bug issues
> > marked for removal from testing ?
> By looking at
> it seems to me that feel++ and getdp are marked for auto-removal from
> Debian testing, while other packages affected by SCOTCH licensing
> issues are not (yet?) on the list.
> I am not sure why (maybe because they are not leaf packages?).
> The complete list of SCOTCH licensing bug reports is
> >
> > have you marked also octave with an RC bug ? it  uses suitesparse/umfpack
> > and scotch [1]
> Could you please elaborate?
> I cannot spot the dependency of octave on scotch...
> > Basically all libraries/programs using suitesparse/umfpack should have
> this
> > bug, no ?
> Only when they contain a file which (directly or indirectly) links with
> both SCOTCH and some GPL-licensed library (such as UMFPACK)...
> > I think Libreoffice/Openoffice  are using suitesparse(and scotch) and
> glpk
> > so it should also have the RC bug.
> libreoffice? glpk?
> Could you please help me to find the dependency on scotch? I fail to
> see it...
> >
> > I guess that the technical solution would be to get rid of umfpack but
> then
> > that would disrupt a lot of software !
> I think I clearly illustrated the solutions that I consider as
> acceptable: see my original bug report(s).
> Solution (A) is the most desirable, that's why I called for help to
> push in that direction...
> I hope this clarifies.
> --
>  New GnuPG key, see the transition document!
> ..................................................... Francesco Poli .
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