Here are the last few instructions prior to the failure on the failing
version, thanks to the CP TRACE facility under z/VM on a real IBM z/890:

     0000000000002A78   STG     E310F0A80024 >> 000000000000FEB0     CC 2
     0000000000002A7E   LG      E32030000004    00000000000001B0     CC 2
     0000000000002A84   LG      E31030080004    00000000000001B8     CC 2
     0000000000002A8A   STG     E34030000024 >> 00000000000001B0     CC 2
     0000000000002A90   LA      4140F0A0  = 000000000000FEA8     CC 2
     0000000000002A94   LARL    C0500000000B    CC 2
     0000000000002A9A   STG     E35040080024 >> 000000000000FEB0     CC 2
     0000000000002AA0   STG     E35030080024 >> 00000000000001B8     CC 2
     0000000000002AA6   LPSWE   B2B2F0A0    000000000000FEA8     CC 0
     0000000000002AAA   LMG     EBDFF0B00004    ????????????????     CC 0
     0000000000002AB0   STG     E32030000024 >> 00000000000001B0     CC 0
     0000000000002AB6   STG     E31030080024 >> 00000000000001B8     CC 0
     0000000000002ABC   BR      07FE     -> 00000000000032E6     CC 0
  -> 00000000000032E6   LH      48100086    0000000000000086     CC 0
     00000000000032EA   BRU     A7F40001 -> 00000000000032EC     CC 0
  -> 00000000000032EC   ????    0001
 *** 00000000000032EC       PROG    0001 -> 00000000000039A8

And here is what appears to be the equivalent code on the working
version, compiled under wheezy:

    0000000000002A38   STG     E310F0A80024 >> 000000000000FEA0     CC 2
    0000000000002A3E   LG      E32030000004    00000000000001B0     CC 2
    0000000000002A44   LG      E31030080004    00000000000001B8     CC 2
    0000000000002A4A   STG     E34030000024 >> 00000000000001B0     CC 2
    0000000000002A50   LA      4140F0A0  = 000000000000FE98     CC 2
    0000000000002A54   LARL    C0500000000B    CC 2
    0000000000002A5A   STG     E35040080024 >> 000000000000FEA0     CC 2
    0000000000002A60   STG     E35030080024 >> 00000000000001B8     CC 2
    0000000000002A66   LPSWE   B2B2F0A0    000000000000FE98     CC 0
    0000000000002A6A   LMG     EBDFF0B00004    ????????????????     CC 0
    0000000000002A70   STG     E32030000024 >> 00000000000001B0     CC 0
    0000000000002A76   STG     E31030080024 >> 00000000000001B8     CC 0
    0000000000002A7C   BR      07FE     -> 00000000000032C0     CC 0
 -> 00000000000032C0   LLGH    E31000860091    0000000000000086     CC 0
    00000000000032C6   CHI     A71E1004    CC 2
    00000000000032CA   BRZ     A784000A    00000000000032DE     CC 2

And on we go from there.  The BRU instruction in the first sequence
is clearly bad.  In assembler language format, the equivalent instruction
would be "BRU   *+2".  This is a bad branch.  The instruction branches
into the middle of itself, picking up "0001" as the next machine instruction,
which causes an operation exception.  Since the failing "instruction"
starts at storage address 32EC, and is two bytes long, that means that
the updated instruction address in the PSW at the time of the program
interruption will be 32EE, which is the value used in the disabled wait

 .''`.     Stephen Powell    
: :'  :
`. `'`

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