On 22:18 Sun 01 Jan 2006, Daniel Franganillo wrote:
> Version: 1.2.10+cvs20050809-4
> Last xmms update came with a surprise to me.

After uploading -5 revision of xmms, I did an upgrade of all my packages
as a common way, and I didn't get this.

> (Leyendo la base de datos ...
> 56370 ficheros y directorios instalados actualmente.)
> Preparando para reemplazar xmms 1.2.10+cvs20050809-4 (usando
> xmms_1.2.10+cvs20050809-5_i386.deb) ...
> Desempaquetando el reemplazo de xmms ...
> dpkg: error al procesar xmms_1.2.10+cvs20050809-5_i386.deb (--install):
>  no se puede crear un enlace de seguridad de
> `./usr/share/xmms/Skins/debfskin.tar.gz' antes de instalar
> la nueva versión: Operación no permitida
> dpkg-deb: el subproceso paste fue terminado por la señal (Tubería rota)
> Se encontraron errores al procesar:
>  xmms_1.2.10+cvs20050809-5_i386.deb
> Broken pipe because dpkg cannot create a security link (operation not 
> permitted)
> Thanks.

The translation for "enlace de seguridad" on dpkg errors is not
"security link" but "backup link": I don't like the Spanish translation
for this, but hey.

Anyway, this is not a normal behaviour since debfskin tarball doesn't
have the "i" attribute set on. Could you please try:

$ lsattr /usr/share/xmms/Skins/debfskin.tar.gz


David Moreno Garza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   |  http://www.damog.net/
                   <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  |          GPG: C671257D
 Imagine a large red swirl here.

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