Control: reassign 768683 src:libmoosex-storage-perl 0.48-1
Control: reassign 768735 src:libmoosex-storage-perl 0.48-1
Control: forcemerge 768683 768735

On Wed, 12 Nov 2014 19:59:05 +0100, gregor herrmann wrote:

> > Actually it looks all of #768767, #768735, #768713, #768683 and
> > #768748 seem to have the same underlying cause from MooseX::Storage.
> What's interesting is that JSON::* was always in Recommends since
> it's only needed in MooseX::Storage::Format::JSON ...

And this seems to be wrong after all. When I run the tests on a CPAN
smoke tester, I get:

# === Runtime Requires ===
#     Module                     Want    Have
#     ---------------------- -------- -------
#     Carp                        any  1.3301
#     Data::Dumper                any   2.151
#     Digest                      any    1.17
#     IO::AtomicFile              any   2.110
#     IO::File                    any    1.16
#     JSON::MaybeXS          1.001000 missing
#     Module::Runtime             any   0.014
#     Moose                      0.99  2.1211
#     Moose::Meta::Attribute      any  2.1211
#     Moose::Role                 any  2.1211
#     Scalar::Util                any    1.41
#     Storable                    any    2.51
#     String::RewritePrefix       any   0.007
#     YAML::Any                   any    1.11
#     namespace::autoclean        any    0.20
# === Runtime Recommends ===
#     Module                              Want    Have
#     ------------------------------- -------- -------
#     IO::AtomicFile                       any   2.110
#     IO::File                             any    1.16
#     JSON::MaybeXS                   1.001000 missing
#     MooseX::Storage::Format::JSONpm      any missing
#     Storable                             any    2.51
#     YAML                                 any    1.11
#     YAML::Any                            any    1.11
#     YAML::Syck                           any missing
#     YAML::XS                             any    0.52

So, if the answer to "Do you want JSON support?" in Makefile.PL is
'Y' (which is the default), then JSON::MaybeXS becomes a hard

Looks like we should fix libmoosex-storage-perl after all ...


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