On Mon, Jan 12, 2015 at 03:40:36PM -0500, Barry Warsaw wrote:
> Something else must still be going on.  I have the following zope packages
> installed:
> % aptitude search zope | grep ^i
> i   python-zope.component           - Zope Component Architecture             
> i   python-zope.configuration       - Zope Configuration Markup Language 
> (ZCML) 
> i   python-zope.deprecation         - Zope Deprecation Infrastructure         
> i   python-zope.event               - Very basic event publishing system      
> i   python-zope.exceptions          - Zope exceptions for Python              
> i   python-zope.i18nmessageid       - Message Identifiers for 
> internationalizati
> i A python-zope.interface           - Interfaces for Python                   
> i   python-zope.location            - Tools for working with object locations 
> i   python-zope.proxy               - Generic transparent proxies for Python  
> i   python-zope.schema              - zope.interface extension for defining 
> data
> i   python-zope.security            - Zope Security Framework                 
> i   python-zope.testing             - Zope testing helpers                    
> i   python-zope.testrunner          - Flexible test runner with layer support 
> fo
> i   python3-zope.component          - Zope Component Architecture             
> i   python3-zope.configuration      - Zope Configuration Markup Language 
> (ZCML) 
> i   python3-zope.deprecation        - Zope Deprecation Infrastructure         
> i   python3-zope.event              - Very basic event publishing system      
> i   python3-zope.exceptions         - Zope exceptions for Python 3            
> i   python3-zope.i18nmessageid      - Message Identifiers for 
> internationalizati
> i   python3-zope.interface          - Interfaces for Python3                  
> i   python3-zope.location           - Tools for working with object locations 
> i   python3-zope.proxy              - Generic transparent proxies for Python  
> i   python3-zope.schema             - zope.interface extension for defining 
> data
> i   python3-zope.testing            - Zope testing helpers for Python 3       
> i   python3-zope.testrunner         - Flexible test runner with layer support 
> fo
> i A zope-common                     - common settings and scripts for Zope 
> insta
> i   zope2.13                        - Open Source Web Application Server
> so definitely python-zope.security, python-zope.proxy, and zope2.13.

> and yet...
> % /usr/lib/zope2.13/bin/python 
> >>> import zope.security._proxy
> >>> zope.security._proxy.__file__
> '/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/zope/security/_proxy.x86_64-linux-gnu.so'

I think I'm starting to understand: I do _not_ have python-zope.security
installed (because nothing depends on it including zope2.13).

    clean@teco:~$ dpkg -l |grep zope
    ii  python-zope.interface                 4.1.1-3.1
    ii  python-zope.proxy                     4.1.4-2
    ii  zope-common                           0.5.54
    ii  zope2.13                              2.13.22-1

If I install python-zope.security, then import goes ok:

    clean@teco:~$ dpkg -l |grep zope
    ii  python-zope.component                 4.2.1-2
    ii  python-zope.event                     4.0.3-2
    ii  python-zope.i18nmessageid             4.0.3-1
    ii  python-zope.interface                 4.1.1-3.1
    ii  python-zope.location                  4.0.3-1
    ii  python-zope.proxy                     4.1.4-2
    ii  python-zope.schema                    4.4.2-1
    ii  python-zope.security                  4.0.1-1
    ii  zope-common                           0.5.54
    ii  zope2.13                              2.13.22-1

    clean@teco:~$ /usr/lib/zope2.13/bin/python 

    >>> import zope.security._proxy
    >>> zope.security._proxy.__file__

but the imported module is NOT from zope2.13 package, as it should be:

    clean@teco:~$ dpkg -L zope2.13 |grep security |grep proxy.so

after purging python-zope.security import fails, but in a new way:

    clean@teco:~$ dpkg -l |grep zope
    ii  python-zope.interface                 4.1.1-3.1
    ii  python-zope.proxy                     4.1.4-2
    ii  zope-common                           0.5.54
    ii  zope2.13                              2.13.22-1

    clean@teco:~$ /usr/lib/zope2.13/bin/python 
    >>> import zope.security._proxy
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
    ImportError: No module named security._proxy

and if I remove and then install zope2.13 (with python-zope.security
still being removed) it is still the same:

    clean@teco:~$ dpkg -l |grep zope
    ii  python-zope.interface                 4.1.1-3.1
    ii  python-zope.proxy                     4.1.4-2
    ii  zope-common                           0.5.54
    ii  zope2.13                              2.13.22-1

    clean@teco:~$ /usr/lib/zope2.13/bin/python 
    >>> import zope.security._proxy
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
    ImportError: No module named security._proxy

and if then I remove python-zope.proxy:

    clean@teco:~$ dpkg -l |grep zope
    ii  zope-common                           0.5.54
    ii  zope2.13                              2.13.22-1

    clean@teco:~$ /usr/lib/zope2.13/bin/python 

    >>> import zope.security._proxy
    >>> zope.security._proxy.__file__

    NOTE - different from 

and if I install python-zope.proxy again:

    clean@teco:~$ dpkg -l |grep zope
    ii  python-zope.interface                 4.1.1-3.1
    ii  python-zope.proxy                     4.1.4-2
    ii  zope-common                           0.5.54
    ii  zope2.13                              2.13.22-1

    clean@teco:~$ /usr/lib/zope2.13/bin/python 
    >>> import zope.security._proxy
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "<console>", line 1, in <module>
 line 19, in <module>
        from zope.security.management import checkPermission
 line 23, in <module>
        from zope.security.checker import CheckerPublic
 line 46, in <module>
        from zope.security._proxy import _Proxy as Proxy, getChecker
    SystemError: dynamic module not initialized properly


Conclusion: not enough isolation leads to either flaky behaviour (i.e.
zope.security imports, but version is  4.0.1-1 instead of expected by
zope2.13 3.7.4) or import failing at all.

And there is some hidden state which depends on packages installation
order etc...

So sad,

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