On Mon, Mar 16, 2015 at 04:27:48PM +0100, Andreas Beckmann wrote:

> I can deterministically reproduce this bug in piuparts, haven't tried
> other means to get it reproduced.
> Please check the bug log for details and a patch.
> https://bugs.debian.org/775733

I can't see instructions for reproducing this in the report, all I can
see there is the statement that this is reproducible using piuparts but
there's nothing saying how exactly you tested (the piuparts logs aren't
enough since they don't obviously show how piuparts was invoked).

Looking at the patch there the changelog isn't sufficient for me to tell
how it's supposed to work.  As far as I can tell what it's saying is
that adding conflicts is supposed to fix the problem and you decided to
remove one of the dependencies in the patch as well?  At least that's
what the changelog in the patch says...  I'm not seeing any clear
analysis in the accompanying mail either - it basically just says "I
changed these things and it seemed to go away".

I *suspect* that one of the things you mean to say is that the
dependency is no longer required due to the abstraction via the
emacsen-common package which is fair enough though not obviouly
something release critical.

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