Control: severity -1 important

Christoph Berg <> writes:

> The Apt module seems to require the presence of the $lsbdistid fact,
> which is only available when lsb-release is installed. Neither
> puppet-module-puppetlabs-apt, puppet, nor facter have a Dependency (or
> any weaker relation) on that.

puppet-common Recommends lsb-release for exactly this sort of reason, so
it will be installed on Puppet clients in a default configuration.

It's long been the case that you probably want to install lsb-release on
any system on which you're running Puppet, or you'll be missing a pile of
pretty significant facts that are widely used in Puppet manifests.  We
started doing that at Stanford back in the 0.20 days.

I agree that the module should be more robust, and would be happy to see
this fixed prior to the release if possible, but I don't think this is
release-critical.  (Meaning that I don't think we should remove this
package from the release if no one gets to this.)

Russ Allbery (               <>

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