reassign: -1 aiccu

Am 06.05.2015 um 04:43 schrieb Daniel Albers:
> This is a critical bug of either aiccu or systemd as explained by
> Pascal.
> Assigning also to systemd as the aiccu maintainer considers this a
> systemd bug, although I think message #26 <
>> already points to the
> proper fix for aiccu.

Jeroen Massar is not listed as maintainer of the aiccu package and I
don't see any explanation which would hint at a bug in systemd. Therefor
re-assigning back to aiccu.

From a quick look at the package, it seems to install a init script
which depends on $network and an if-up.d hook which restarts the aiccu
init script as part of /etc/init.d/networking.
/etc/init.d/networking itself provides $network, so there is a dead
lock, since systemd evaluates dependencies at runtime.

Reinier, if you need help with getting this sorted out, please contact
the pkg-systemd team.
Is there a reason, aiccu needs to be restarted on ifup? Does it need
that to pick up new network interfaces?
The better fix is, to make aiccu network hotplug aware (e.g. via
rtnetlink) [1]. This would also mean, aiccu would work better ootb with
other networking tools or if the network is configured manually.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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