Hi David!

I am the current maintainer/developer of RequestPolicy, in the name of
the „RequestPolicyContinued“ project [1]. I wanted to let you know that
I've forked the 0.5.x branch a few days ago. Previously our project only
had releases for the (still in beta) 1.0 branch. So the new release has
version 0.5.29, release notes can be found on github [2]. It's also on
AMO [3], but still awaiting review and therefore you can't find it via
AMO's search.

Now about RP in the Debian repos: I see you migrated the 1.0 branch to
sid, but I think the 1.0 beta is not yet ready for the masses. Instead,
I strongly advise to use the 0.5.x branch *at least* for Debian Jessie.
 As soon as I release 1.0.0 stable you can reconsider. Fyi, there's an
issue [4] for the 1.0 milestone.

I suppose Iceweasel 38 will migrate to Jessie soon, as Firefox's
new/next ESR release is version 38.

By the way, the diff between 0.5.28 and 0.5.29 (the RPC release) is
quite small [5]. The main difference is the changed extension ID. Is
that a problem for continuity in the debian repo?


[1] https://github.com/RequestPolicyContinued/requestpolicy
[3] https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/requestpolicy-continued/
[4] https://github.com/RequestPolicyContinued/requestpolicy/issues/446

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