
Without integration tests, linking Ceph against the wrong jerasure version may 
lead to data loss. Prior to publishing a Ceph version, various integration 
tests run to verify encoding / decoding, this is the main incentive to have 
jerasure as part of Ceph. The other reason is that jerasure can be optimized 
for SIMD instructions (ARM / INTEL) and not doing so significantly impacts 


On 08/07/2015 01:53, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> On 07/06/2015 04:46 PM, Gaudenz Steinlin wrote:
>> [ Adding the jerasure maintainer to the CC ]
>> Hi
>> Loic Dachary <l...@dachary.org> writes:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm co-maintainer of both jerasure and ceph. If the Debian jerasure
>>> package was orphaned, I would be happy to step in and maintain it as a
>>> standalone package. Jerasure was packaged without dialog with the
>>> jerasure upstream and I can understand that keeping it in sync with
>>> what ceph needs is significant work.
>> Loic thanks for your offer to help with this. We definitively need some
>> upstream assistence on this. IMO while the current approach to just use
>> the bundled version is suboptimal, the previous approach to just
>> unilaterally use a different version of jerasure than upstream is not
>> good either.
>> Currently ceph is AFAICS the only reverse dependency of jerasure. I
>> don't know why Thomas packaged it in the first place. But if we want to
>> keept the standalone package it might be the best for the ceph
>> maintainers group to take over maintenance of the jerasure Debian
>> package. I hope Thomas won't mind if we lower the burden for him a bit.
> I packaged it because it's needed by python-pyeclib, itself needed by
> the latest Swift. No, I don't wish to hand-over its maintainership, but
> I do accept contributions within the OpenStack packaging group on Alioth.
>> From a Distribution packagers standpoint the current situation is less
>> than optimal. I would very much prefer to not have third party libraries
>> bundled in the source code. But without upstream cooperation this is
>> hard to solve, more so as the bundled library is also a modified version
>> of the original jerasure code.
> Outch! Talking with upstream is indeed important here. FYI, I had to
> battle the pyeclib upstream also, so that they don't embbed the package.
> Having gf-complete and libjerasure early in Debian helped to convince
> them, so I am happy I did the work early.
> Cheers,
> Thomas Goirand (zigo)

Loïc Dachary, Artisan Logiciel Libre

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