On Sun, 30 Aug 2015, Michael Gold wrote:

> > > Trying to support gpg2.0 and 2.1 in one startup script is still annoying
> > 
> > This is a requirement, though.
> I've attached the script I'm using as an example.  I didn't test this

Hmm, really complex stuff there. I guess whatever I cobbled together
in 2009 isn’t as sophisticated.


Anyway, at first glance, the new script (ignore the first part about
removing old gpg configs and running ssh-agent) appears to work,
although I’ve not yet tested after reboot. Thanks for the information!

Besides some logic changes (to avoid nesting ifs) I now set the
GPG_AGENT_INFO myself if not set, and write the “PID” file manually
instead of telling gpg-agent to do it. This appears to make pickup
from another session work, too.

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