Looks like I haven't yet mastered the art of sending emails from phones.
Trying again from a proper mail client.

Salvatore Bonaccorso <car...@debian.org> writes:

> http://pf.itd.nrl.navy.mil/pipermail/core-users/2015-August/001837.html
> mention this as known.
> Gut feeling: should core-network maybe be removed from stable and
> possibly as well from unstable for stretch given the above?

My two ideas for fixing this (that might or might not work):
1. Instead of running the daemon as root, would it be enough to give it
   just the capabilities it needs to "create namespaces and lowlevel
   network interfaces"?
2. If not, how about requiring root to talk to the daemon?

Otherwise, removing it from jessie and stretch is a good idea. It
shouldn't be removed from sid as this RC bug will keep it from migrating
to stretch.
Marius Gavrilescu

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