Raphaƫl Hertzog writes:
 > Package: libuhd003
 > Version: 3.9.0-1
 > Severity: serious
 > User: de...@kali.org
 > Usertags: origin-kali
 > I just noticed that with uhd 3.9.0 libuhd003 lost the v5 suffix that had
 > been introduced with 3.8.5-2.1.
 > And the changelog has no explanation for this. So to avoid problems
 > when upgrading from jessie to stretch, this should be fixed again...
 > Thank you!

I've got uhd-3.9.1-1 conflicting with gnuradio << 3.7.8-3
and I am considering adding a versioned depends for gnuradio 3.7.8-4
and libgnuradio-osmosdr0.1.4 0.1.4-3 that requires libuhd003 >= 3.9.
Will that be enough to avoid problems when upgrading from jessie to stretch?

Upstream has been breaking ABI routinely. Another approach would be
to patch the soname and soversion for the Debian packaging resulting
in a new libuhd3.9 library package. At the moment I am preferring
this approach to the v5 suffix approach.

But if taking the v5 suffix approach is the recommended way forward,
I can certainly do that. But I would like your advice now that you
know upstream UHD often breaks ABI without soname/soversion bumps.

I think UHD upstream is interested in best practices for library
release management, but, like me, needs a bit of education and a
plan to move from the current state of release management to
something better.


peter green writes regarding bug #794878:
 > It appears the library rename introduced in uhd 3.8.5-2.1 was reverted
 > in uhd 3.9.0-1. There was no mention of this revert in the changelog.
 > Was the revert intentional and if so what was the reasoning behind it?

Yes it was intentional.
The reasoning is that uhd routinely changes ABI and API between versions.
I have been using versioned package dependencies to manage library ABI
changes. Since 3.9.0 was another ABI bump from 3.8.5, I went ahead and
reverted the library rename.

Not mentioning this in the changelog is my mistake and I do feel silly
for not doing it.

I used dh-acc to check that uhd 3.9.1 was compatible with uhd 3.9.0.
Also, upstream has told me that they were beginning to use the
abi-compliance-checker tool as well. So with luck better library
soname and soversion settings will make it easier to follow normal
library package name conventions in the future.

Thank you for your interest and attention. Library ABI/API release
management and soname/soversion practices are weaknesses of mine, so
I am eager to learn. Let me know any comments or advice you have,
and I'll pass it along to my upstreams too.

When faced with upstream libraries not bumping sonames, how many
Debian packages patch to do their own library release management
versus simply following upstream's conventions?


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