
On Fri, 16 Oct 2015 at 16:01:21 +0200, e-mmanuel wrote:
> During upgrade of roundcube (from 1.1.2+dfsg.1-4 to 1.1.2+dfsg.1-5),
> aptitude reports errors and upgrade stops.

Hmm odd.  The 1.1.2+dfsg.1-4 → 1.1.2+dfsg.1-5 upgrade works just file in a
clean(+dialog) sid chroot:

~# echo 'deb http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20150911T101115Z/ 
unstable main' >/etc/apt/sources.list
~# apt -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false update
~# apt install dialog
~# apt install --install-recommends roundcube roundcube-sqlite3
~# dpkg -l | sed -nr 's/^(ii\s+roundcube\S*\s+\S+).*/\1/p'
ii  roundcube                     1.1.2+dfsg.1-4
ii  roundcube-core                1.1.2+dfsg.1-4
ii  roundcube-sqlite3             1.1.2+dfsg.1-4

~# echo 'deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian unstable main' >/etc/apt/sources.list
~# apt update
~# apt upgrade; echo $?
~# dpkg -l | sed -nr 's/^(ii\s+roundcube\S*\s+\S+).*/\1/p'
ii  roundcube                     1.1.2+dfsg.1-5
ii  roundcube-core                1.1.2+dfsg.1-5
ii  roundcube-sqlite3             1.1.2+dfsg.1-5


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