On Sun, 2015-10-18 at 20:16 +0200, Miguel Angel Rojas wrote:
> Hi all,
> Vladimir is right, same issue here. Indeed, It is weird to me not so
> many people is currently reporting on it, but it is affecting a lot of
> programs. Something happens when upgrading to version 0.6.x (I agree
> at this point)
> plasma-desktop is also unable to start and panic (black screen).If you
> update-alternative glx fall back to mesa, the desktop runs just fine
> (of course, without the nvidia drivers)
> I though it was solved by bug 799948 (ssdm panic too), but again, it
> is not. At least you can "adduser sddm video" and make ssdm-greater
> works as a workaround, but plasma-desktop panics still panics after
> you try to log on.
> It is very easy to check it. Just install a fresh installation of KDE
> and nvidia drivers and you will see a beautiful black screen. Let me
> know if you need additional information but it is quite easy to
> reproduce


Could you please attach the output of:

reportbug --template glx-alternative-nvidia
reportbug --template nvidia-driver

Kind regards,
Luca Boccassi

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