On Sat, 05 Dec 2015, Neil Williams wrote:
> http://paste.debian.net/341382/

So this one is fairly obvious, I already replied that it's
django.template.base.Origin that you should have used in the first place
since where the code actually is... relying on the fact that it was
also imported in django.template is not very future-proof (when not

> http://paste.debian.net/341383/

This one is actually documented, add_to_builtins has never been a public


So what's left on your grave bug report?

Nothing except vitriol against the fact that it was uploaded a bit
hastily. Please take that somewhere else... or express it in a less
confrontional way.

Please close this bug unless you are able to show us a real problem.

Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer

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