retitle 808826 libdevel-callparser-perl: breaks parsing with 5.22?
reassign 808826 libdevel-callparser-perl 0.002-1
affects 808826 + libparse-keyword-perl

> > It's indeed a regression caused by the perl 5.20 -> 5.22 upgrade.
> > Not sure why our rebuilds didn't catch it.
> Evidence seems to be pointing at Parse::Keyword.

... and further to one of its reverse dependencies, Devel::CallParser.
I've got it down to this:

  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  use Devel::CallParser;
  sub f {
    my $arg = shift;
    { my $arg; } # ???
    print $arg ? "ok\n" : "not ok\n";
which gives "ok" on 5.20 and "not ok" on 5.22.
Niko Tyni

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