hi, related to reorted bug 810631 i investigate something, a grave
problem due the system totally hang at graphical level, normal users
cannot do any, only root can kill the process (a X restart does not
solved!!!) this made totally non usefully the system if a passowrd
faill occurs

seems the problems of check password fail started in the password less
feature at lxdm

seems the daemon hangs trying to activte a field event show either the
user list!

i not have enough skills to provide a prper pach solution (well i try
but i quite busy at work) so i push pression to both upstream and
debian to solve this with my feedback

before that commit of password less feature everything works
perfectly! (9dc81f33988cda29627d41d2d09409749b8fe371)

usptream report: https://sourceforge.net/p/lxde/bugs/690/#b0c6 with
this feedback yet posted


Lenz McKAY Gerardo (PICCORO)

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