On 2016-02-09 02:43, Craig Sanders wrote:
making changes to how things work is reasonable and perfectly normal.

completely failing to document those changes, resulting in broken
servers (and, given that this is a dhcp server, broken networks) is not.

there isn't even a single mention of this change ANYWHERE in the
updated package, not in the /etc/default file, and not under

/usr/share/doc/isc-dhcp-server# find . -type f -exec zgrep -i INTERFACESv[46] 
{} +

i had to discover this change myself by running the init.d script with
'bash -x' (good thing i hadn't jumped on the systemd bandwagon - shell
scripts are beneficial, not a hassle)...only then did i have enough info
to figure out what the problem was and enough info to search the bug

so, please, if you're going to make major changes to how something works
then at least make some minimal effort to document the changes.




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