Hi Bas,

Reducing a much larger data set, attached argos_trip.csv which is used by 
attached argos.xml which generates the segfault with:

ogr2ogr -a_srs WGS84 -f GeoJSON -where "ID=098530" -nln "098530" \
                  p098530.json argos.xml


On Tuesday 08 March 2016 14:58:47 Bas Couwenberg wrote:
> Control: tags -1 moreinfo
> Hi Andy,
> > Running an ogr2ogr command that had been working until the most recent
> > update in testing:
> > 
> > ogr2ogr -a_srs WGS84 -f GeoJSON -where "ID=098530" -nln "098530"
> > p098530.json argos.xml
> Can you provide the data file(s) to reproduce this issue?
> Kind Regards,
> Bas

Attachment: argos.xml
Description: XML document

098530,32,"LINESTRING(-72.303 -69.499, -72.295 -69.506, -72.316 -69.511, -72.343 -69.513, -72.280 -69.510, -72.269 -69.497, -72.271 -69.500, -72.322 -69.490, -72.327 -69.510, -72.317 -69.515, -72.290 -69.507, -72.300 -69.504, -72.298 -69.493, -72.297 -69.498, -72.298 -69.506, -72.308 -69.508, -72.306 -69.507, -72.306 -69.506, -72.319 -69.503, -72.305 -69.506, -72.299 -69.509, -72.342 -69.501, -72.280 -69.511, -72.279 -69.527, -72.247 -69.530, -72.206 -69.528, -72.264 -69.528, -72.242 -69.520, -72.245 -69.519)"

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