Package: doxygen Version: 1.8.11-1 Severity: serious Hello again Matthias.
If packages having a "Build-Depends: doxygen" may assume that graphviz is installed, then doxygen should have a line like this: Depends: graphviz Currently, this is only a Suggests. If, on the other side, packages having a "Build-Depends: doxygen" may not assume that graphviz is installed, then doxygen should respect the default upstream value for HAVE_DOT which is NO. Currently, this is changed in debian/patches/dot-config.diff to 1, i.e. YES, which according to documentation it means "doxygen will assume the dot tool is available from the path". The current status where doxygen believes that dot is installed but does not enforce it with a Depends line makes a lot of packages to generate incorrect documentation, which combined with #818379 makes a lot of packages already in the archive to be actually incorrect. In fact, I was going to report a lot of bugs about packages not having a Build-Depends: graphviz, but then I read this report: where I found about the HAVE_DOT variable. I'm setting this to serious because it breaks a lot of packages. Thanks.