On 04/07/2016 08:38 PM, Tobias Frost wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Apr 2016 18:40:41 +0200 Gianfranco Costamagna <locutusofborg@
> debian.org> wrote:
>> Dear maintainer,
>> I have prepared a patch for juce, but I don't feel confident with it,
> so I didn't upload as NMU.
> Hi Gianfranco,
> Patch looks good to me.
> I'll take it and schedula an NMU.

thanks gianfranco or the patch and tobi for checking doing an NMU.

i have just uploaded the package (including some other changes i was
preparing while the NMU came in).

just for the record:
i would prefer if you did not close the NMU-bug manually right after an
upload to DELAYED/*.
instead it would be great if the bug was closed automatically once the
ixed package entered the archive (so if you are doing an NMU that has a
bug attached to it, please close the bug via the changelog).
of course feel free to tag the bug as "pending" in the meantime.

speaking of DELAYED: using DELAYED/5 stresses me a *little* bit, but so
far i was always able to manage a proper upload in time, so i guess it
is not a big issue :-)


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