Control: block -1 by 829407

On 24-Jun-2016, Barry Warsaw wrote:

> Apparently python-coverage has gained a dependency on
> jquery.debounce.min.js but this isn't available in the archive
> afaict.

You're right. I have filed an RFP for the library (bug#829407).

I have filed corresponding bug reports against other packages
(bug#829439, bug#829440) which bindle-this third-party library.

This bug report, and the corresponding ones against other packages,
are all blocked by the need to package the library; I have marked the
bug reports accordingly.

> This missing js file breaks html reporting.

I can work to package the library dependency; would you be interested
in sponsoring it into the archive?

 \      “As soon as we abandon our own reason, and are content to rely |
  `\       upon authority, there is no end to our troubles.” —Bertrand |
_o__)                                Russell, _Unpopular Essays_, 1950 |
Ben Finney <>

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