tags 321187 + pending
tags 213282 + pending
tags 328347 + pending
tags 339072 + pending
tags 346944 + pending
tags 321188 + pending
tags 246217 + pending
tags 321190 + pending
tags 193228 + pending
tags 321192 + pending
tags 139980 + pending
tags 221366 + pending
thanks for the fish

        Hello. A new version of xmovie (1.9.12-1) is waiting in the NEW queue, 
this (and a bunch of other) bug(s). There is a considerable backlog of 
packages in the queue, so maybe this bug is going to take some time to be 

        Best regards,

Los sistemas me pasado los correos de las personas contradas pero los 
                -- Jesús Sanz de las Heras (RedIRIS).
Desarrollador de Debian
Debian developer

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