Control: severity -1 important

On 25.07.2016 13:11, Markus Frosch wrote:
> Hey all,
> this is a interesting problem, while looking on the 3 dependent packages. 
> (see below)
> We have 3 choices to go on:
> 1. Still provide zendframework 1 in a separated path, so it won't conflict 
> with ZF2/3
> 2. Embed needed code into the packages, and drop the full library
> 3. Remove all 3 packages from stretch
> I'd prefer to go with #1, there should not be any major security issues in 
> the future with the code base.
> And if so, we should be able to tackle them.
> I would love to hear the opinion of the security team on the matter.
> Regards
> Markus
> ## icingaweb2
> The integrations of Zend in terms of controllers/templates is not that big of 
> a problem. Zend_Form is integrated tightly into the application.
> Any adaption to ZF2/3 will need rewriting, that is not simple and certainly 
> not a drop-in replacement in terms of functionality.
> ## postfixadmin
> Zend_Xmlrpc_Server is used to provide API functionality, this is not a must 
> for the package.
> But adapting to ZF2/3 will cause rewriting the XMLRPC interface.
> ## php-letodms-lucene
> The package is relying on Zend_Search_Lucene to index documents and search 
> them.
> A removal of ZF1 will cause massive problems here. Question is: who uses the 
> package?

Until I hear other DDs opinion on my thoughts, I'd prefer not to remove 
zendframework from Debian.

Downgrading bug to important.

David: What do you think? ZF2+3 is not a drop-in replacement for ZF1.

Markus Frosch
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