Raphaël Hertzog writes:

> You should thus create that temporary file in a root-owned
> directory which is specific to apt-listchanges.

Thanks, I will create temporary directory instead:

    tempdir=`mktemp --directory --sufix=.aptlc`
    trap "rm -rf $tempdir" EXIT
    cat > "$temp" << 'EOF'
#DEBCONF_HELPER_PY#  <--- replaced by a real script by debian/rules
    python3 -B "$temp" "$@"

Do you think this will be OK?

> You should also review whether that issue needs to be fixed in
> stable/oldstable...

No, it doesn't. This code has been introduced recently to fix "debconf
is not a registry" issue. (Actually I don't really like the approach of
this tempdir/file creation, but the other option, namely making the
scripts '#/usr/bin/python3', didn't worked, because of some issues with
debconf, if I remember correctly).


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