
Zorp and libzorpll is highly bonded and therefore it has the same maintainer.

The problem is that I had to upgrade the libzorpll first and only was able to 
start upgrading the Zorp after that. But unfortunatelly I found an issue with 
compiling the Zorp (SSLv3 is removed from openssl), so I reported it upstream 
and now Im waiting while upstrea fix it.

Also, to prevent the issue to happen again, I created a new -dev package, which 
is version dependent. But unfortunately it is not helps in the current case.

This is an unfortunate event, but hopefully it will have been solved before the 
freeze. :)

On 2016. október 20. 11:29:26 CEST, peter green <plugw...@p10link.net> wrote:
>> I tried to build this package in stretch with "dpkg-buildpackage -A"
>> (which is what the "Arch: all" autobuilder would do to build it)
>> but it failed:
>A few notes on this bug (note: i'm just a derivative maintainer taking
>quick look at the bug, not a maintainer of this package)
>1. It is not specific to building with dpkg-buildpackage -A [1][2]
>2. The actual failure seems to be caused by indirectly including a C++ 
>header while building with a plain C compiler.
>3. There currently appears to be an (apparently uncoordinated)
>transition going on which I suspect may be the trigger for this bug.

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