Am 05.11.2016 um 23:11 schrieb 積丹尼 Dan Jacobson:
> severity 843251 grave
> thanks
> Yes i386.
> And you know what?
> the user cannot ever boot his computer ever again, even from grub
> menus' "(recovery mode)".
> ER> I can confirm this behaviour. Be care to reboot:
> ER> If booting with systemd you will be pulled in maintenance mode.
> No you (I) will never get a prompt again, all one sees
>>> 11月 05 22:03:39 jidanni2 systemd[1]: systemd-udevd.service: Failed with 
>>> result 'timeout'.
>>> 11月 05 22:03:39 jidanni2 systemd[1]: systemd-udevd.service: Service has no 
>>> hold-off time, scheduling restart.
> is repeating every 90 seconds.
> You see if **any** of these systemd processes have "no hold-off time" or
> something like that, they will loop over and over every 90 seconds.
> ***There should be a limit of one loop***. Else the user will never be
> able to boot his computer again, no matter how many choices there are in
> the grub menu.
> Please tell me how to fix my computer to boot now. I am using a
> different one to write this message

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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