On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 08:14:00PM +0100, Anton Gladky wrote:
> block 844486 by 844526
> thanks
> wxwidget should be binnmued to fix the bug properly.

I don't believe there's actually any real bug here, let alone an RC one.

GCC makes small fixes to obscure corner cases of the C++ ABI from time
to time and (not unreasonably) bumps the ABI version each time.  It used
to be the case that GCC defaulted to the old ABI version in this case,
but more recently they seem to make the new ABI version the default

In upstream wxWidgets, if the compile-time ABI and run-time ABI don't
match, then you get an error and the app won't run, which is just not
helpful.  In Debian we reduce that error to a warning - in practice I've
never seen an actual problem due to this, but leaving the warning there
means that this at least gets flagged as a potential issue.

However, if you want to eliminate this warning message and are going to
binNMU wxwidgets3.0 to that end, you will also need to binNMU any of its
rdeps which haven't been built with the newer compiler ABI, or else
you're just going to swap around which rdeps issue this warning.


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