On 30.11.2016 14:17, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:
> Le 22/11/2016 à 23:35, Paul Szabo a écrit :
>> Then if the tomcat8 package is removed (purged?), the postrm script runs
>>   chown -Rhf root:root /etc/tomcat8/
>> and that will leave the file world-writable, setgid root
> What about switching the files left to nobody:nogroup instead of
> root:root? That would be less disruptive for the stable and oldstable
> updates than removing /etc/tomcat8 completely.

I guess just removing /etc/tomcat8/Catalina would be an option too. As
far as I know nothing else requires it to be present after the removal
of Tomcat. If there were applications with such a dependency we should
take a look at them.


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