On 14/12/16 19:58, Stefan van der Walt wrote:
I would have absolutely no problem moving skimage to team maintenance.
If Yarik agrees, I'd appreciate some pointers on how to move forward
with that.  What I would like is to remain in the loop w.r.t. packaging
changes.  python-dask should be packaged now, I think Diane Trout of one
of the teams has been working on that the past week.

First, you'd need to pick a team (Ole suggested Debian Science or Debian Python Modules) and join it via their Alioth page. You might also want to email the team's mailing list to speed up the joining process.

Then, you'd have to setup the team maintained git repository. That's usually documented in the team's packaging policy and something Ole or myself can help you with.

Finally, just push the current content of the packaging to the new remote. You can then update the Vcs-Browse and Vcs-Git fields in d/control to the canonical path to the team's repository, change the Maintainer field to the chosen team and move yourselves to the Uploaders field.

And that's about it I think. Ole, feel free to correct me if something is not accurate.


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