On Jan 10, 2017, at 09:37 AM, Pirate Praveen wrote:

>bleach and other projects using html5lib seems to have locked the version of
>html5lib to the one with 7 nines. Can we also go back to the older version
>which works?

I had a conversation with the upstream pip maintainer.  In theory it may be
possible.  In practice it's often a nightmare to go backwards.  I'm willing to
help try to make that happen if others are also willing to help.

>It is not sustainable to expect maintainers to reverse dependencies to fix
>breakage with out giving them advance notice. Since python-bleach has
>autopkgtests defined, it would have been easy to find out if an update of
>python-html5lib would break it or not using a tool like build-and-upload
>script from pkg-ruby-extras team [1]

I'm not sure why you think I'd know anything about an obscure Ruby tool.  I
still contend that Debian ought to have automatic promotion gating on reverse
dependency building and testing.

All that aside, if someone wants to help put together a git branch that
properly reverts html5lib to seven-9's, I will gladly review and test it with
pip, and upload it if it looks okay.


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