I'll upload a new biber on Sunday evening JST time, as well as a Texlive 
packages with updated deps.


On January 21, 2017 2:56:59 AM GMT+09:00, Braiam Peguero <brai...@gmail.com> 
>According to [1], this is an expected change. Ideally, biber and
>texlive-bibtex-extra (biblatex) should have versioned dependencies,
>since as the Biber manual[2] put it:
>> Biber versions are closely coupled with Biblatex versions.
>> You need to have the right combination of the two.
>[2]: http://ctan.uniminuto.edu/biblio/biber/documentation/biber.pdf

PREINING Norbert + TeX Live & Debian Developer + http://www.preining.info
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